
Wednesday 18 May 2016

*Movement of this Blog Announcement*

Dear Readers,

Thanks for loving my posts and following me. As some of you might know, I maintain another blog on Wordpress. It seemed like a good idea to write at two places, but it no longer makes sense to me. Therefore, I am merging this blog with the one that I have on Wordpress. What this means is, all the posts from me would be available only on Check it out, browse a little, and I hope to see you, there!

Till then,
Keep Reading and Spreading Love!

Monday 9 May 2016

Treasuring My First Liebster Award Nomination!

If you notice the number of my followers, it would not take a genius to realize that I am a beginner in the blogging world. Therefore, expecting an award, so soon in my journey, is definitely flattering. I would like to thank Sandra Yeaman for recognizing my effort and encouraging me to write more. I wonder if she knows how much she has motivated me by this simple act of kindness. 
Sandra has seen the world, and in her blog, she narrates her eventful journey of life, so far. Take a sneak peek into her adventurous life and spend a few minutes in browsing her blog. Her introduction to her blog goes like this,
"I created my current blog, Sandra Yeaman: From Adventure to Mission, to build my platform to market my memoir once I complete it. Until I get closer to finishing it, I use this blog to review books and take part in blogging challenges, such as the April a-to-z-challenge, in order to reach out to the blogging community to find like-minded souls."
In the words of Sandra, "the Liebster Award is given to bloggers by other bloggers. This is a way to recognize great fellow bloggers for their work and to promote their blogs and our blogs as well."


These are the guidelines to keep this award going when you decide to accept the award.liebster-award
  1. Display an image of the award and write about your nomination.
  2. Thank and link the person who nominated you for this award.
  3. Answer the 11 questions prepared for you by the blogger who nominated you.
  4. Nominate 5-11 awesome bloggers who you think  deserve this award and create 11 questions of your own for your nominees to answer.
  5. List these guidelines in your blog post.


  1. What book(s) are you reading now? Very good question! I have been living inside the pages of many books since more than a year, now, and this is the first time when I am taking a break. I am a book reviewer for multiple websites and post those on my another website, So, taking one day's break is a big deal to me. I am booked till August for other book reviews. To answer your question, I would like to mention a book that I recently finished. Dancing with the devil by Amy C. Norman and The Reflections of Snow White by David Meredith. 
  2. Who else do you think would enjoy reading it? Why? I would recommend the book Dancing with the devil by Amy C. Norman to the readers who like reading women-oriented books. This story is a real-life story of a woman, who went through physical abuse and lost her way, but in the end, she found her inner strength to fight against the prevailed injustice. The other book reflects on the life of Snow White after Prince Charming's sad demise. This book would appeal to the readers who are not satisfied with the happily ever after ending of the original book and wish to know more about their lives.
  3. Which author would you like to write your life story? Why? I am no author but I would like to write my life story by myself. I believe that only I can do justice with my story.
  4. Name three authors you would like to invite to dinner. Why? I would like to invite three lady authors: Amy C Norman, Ruth O'Neill, and Madhu Bazaz Wangu. Their lives have been an inspiration to me. If I got the opportunity to have dinner with them, I am sure I'll learn a lot from them within hours. They have gone through so much in life that we can all learn a lot from their experiences.
  5. Summarize your life in three sentences. My life has been a rollercoaster ride. My childhood had several bumpy roads; however, my parents inspired me to follow my dreams. I devoted all my time to the books and worked hard to get good grades. Now, I am capable enough to use my brains to get anything I desire for.
  6. What was the last book you read that kept you up late into the night to finish? That would be The palace of illusions by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni. If you know about the Hindu mythology, Mahabharatha, then you must know the story of Panchali. She was married to five brothers, attempted to be stripped in the middle of a court by their cousin, and then blamed by everyone for the battle that killed many. I always felt that history did not do justice with her until I read this book by Chitra. She wrote the same mythology from the point of view of Panchali. I still read it again and again.
  7. Have you read a book recently you decided was a waste of time? If so, what is it? Who might like it? Well, I read a book which, I believe, did not go through even one round of proofreading. I would not like to name the book, and there was nothing in the book that I can recommend to anyone.
  8. What’s your favorite genre? Why? Historical fiction is my favorite because I get a little insight into the lives of the historical figures in a fun way. 
  9. What genre haven’t you read much of yet? I haven't read children books due to reasons unknown to me.
  10. What would be a good title for your autobiography? The Messy Life of a Gemini.
  11. What’s the title of the next book you plan to begin reading? My next book is The Girl in the Bird by Christine Talley.  I would post the review of the book on or before 14th May. Check out my blog to read it.


I would like to nominate below-mentioned bloggers:
  1. Deidra Alexander
  2. Mary Hill
  3. Corinne Rodrigues
  4. Klinta
  5. Harmony

  1. Which word describes you the best? Why?
  2. Why do you write?
  3. What or who motivates you to write?
  4. What is your writing routine? 
  5. Are you planning to write a book anytime soon?
  6. Do you have any ulterior motive behind maintaining your blog, or it's only to keep your creative juices flowing?
  7. If you are forced to live with only one hobby of yours, then what would it be? Why?
  8. What would be your advice to your fellow bloggers?
  9. If you get three wishes, what would those be?
  10. How much time do you devote to research a topic before writing about it?
  11. What kind of posts do you enjoy reading? Why?