
Wednesday 18 May 2016

*Movement of this Blog Announcement*

Dear Readers,

Thanks for loving my posts and following me. As some of you might know, I maintain another blog on Wordpress. It seemed like a good idea to write at two places, but it no longer makes sense to me. Therefore, I am merging this blog with the one that I have on Wordpress. What this means is, all the posts from me would be available only on Check it out, browse a little, and I hope to see you, there!

Till then,
Keep Reading and Spreading Love!

Monday 9 May 2016

Treasuring My First Liebster Award Nomination!

If you notice the number of my followers, it would not take a genius to realize that I am a beginner in the blogging world. Therefore, expecting an award, so soon in my journey, is definitely flattering. I would like to thank Sandra Yeaman for recognizing my effort and encouraging me to write more. I wonder if she knows how much she has motivated me by this simple act of kindness. 
Sandra has seen the world, and in her blog, she narrates her eventful journey of life, so far. Take a sneak peek into her adventurous life and spend a few minutes in browsing her blog. Her introduction to her blog goes like this,
"I created my current blog, Sandra Yeaman: From Adventure to Mission, to build my platform to market my memoir once I complete it. Until I get closer to finishing it, I use this blog to review books and take part in blogging challenges, such as the April a-to-z-challenge, in order to reach out to the blogging community to find like-minded souls."
In the words of Sandra, "the Liebster Award is given to bloggers by other bloggers. This is a way to recognize great fellow bloggers for their work and to promote their blogs and our blogs as well."


These are the guidelines to keep this award going when you decide to accept the award.liebster-award
  1. Display an image of the award and write about your nomination.
  2. Thank and link the person who nominated you for this award.
  3. Answer the 11 questions prepared for you by the blogger who nominated you.
  4. Nominate 5-11 awesome bloggers who you think  deserve this award and create 11 questions of your own for your nominees to answer.
  5. List these guidelines in your blog post.


  1. What book(s) are you reading now? Very good question! I have been living inside the pages of many books since more than a year, now, and this is the first time when I am taking a break. I am a book reviewer for multiple websites and post those on my another website, So, taking one day's break is a big deal to me. I am booked till August for other book reviews. To answer your question, I would like to mention a book that I recently finished. Dancing with the devil by Amy C. Norman and The Reflections of Snow White by David Meredith. 
  2. Who else do you think would enjoy reading it? Why? I would recommend the book Dancing with the devil by Amy C. Norman to the readers who like reading women-oriented books. This story is a real-life story of a woman, who went through physical abuse and lost her way, but in the end, she found her inner strength to fight against the prevailed injustice. The other book reflects on the life of Snow White after Prince Charming's sad demise. This book would appeal to the readers who are not satisfied with the happily ever after ending of the original book and wish to know more about their lives.
  3. Which author would you like to write your life story? Why? I am no author but I would like to write my life story by myself. I believe that only I can do justice with my story.
  4. Name three authors you would like to invite to dinner. Why? I would like to invite three lady authors: Amy C Norman, Ruth O'Neill, and Madhu Bazaz Wangu. Their lives have been an inspiration to me. If I got the opportunity to have dinner with them, I am sure I'll learn a lot from them within hours. They have gone through so much in life that we can all learn a lot from their experiences.
  5. Summarize your life in three sentences. My life has been a rollercoaster ride. My childhood had several bumpy roads; however, my parents inspired me to follow my dreams. I devoted all my time to the books and worked hard to get good grades. Now, I am capable enough to use my brains to get anything I desire for.
  6. What was the last book you read that kept you up late into the night to finish? That would be The palace of illusions by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni. If you know about the Hindu mythology, Mahabharatha, then you must know the story of Panchali. She was married to five brothers, attempted to be stripped in the middle of a court by their cousin, and then blamed by everyone for the battle that killed many. I always felt that history did not do justice with her until I read this book by Chitra. She wrote the same mythology from the point of view of Panchali. I still read it again and again.
  7. Have you read a book recently you decided was a waste of time? If so, what is it? Who might like it? Well, I read a book which, I believe, did not go through even one round of proofreading. I would not like to name the book, and there was nothing in the book that I can recommend to anyone.
  8. What’s your favorite genre? Why? Historical fiction is my favorite because I get a little insight into the lives of the historical figures in a fun way. 
  9. What genre haven’t you read much of yet? I haven't read children books due to reasons unknown to me.
  10. What would be a good title for your autobiography? The Messy Life of a Gemini.
  11. What’s the title of the next book you plan to begin reading? My next book is The Girl in the Bird by Christine Talley.  I would post the review of the book on or before 14th May. Check out my blog to read it.


I would like to nominate below-mentioned bloggers:
  1. Deidra Alexander
  2. Mary Hill
  3. Corinne Rodrigues
  4. Klinta
  5. Harmony

  1. Which word describes you the best? Why?
  2. Why do you write?
  3. What or who motivates you to write?
  4. What is your writing routine? 
  5. Are you planning to write a book anytime soon?
  6. Do you have any ulterior motive behind maintaining your blog, or it's only to keep your creative juices flowing?
  7. If you are forced to live with only one hobby of yours, then what would it be? Why?
  8. What would be your advice to your fellow bloggers?
  9. If you get three wishes, what would those be?
  10. How much time do you devote to research a topic before writing about it?
  11. What kind of posts do you enjoy reading? Why?

Saturday 30 April 2016

French Verb of Day.26 of Blogging #AtoZChallenge - Zoner!

Salut mes beaux amis!

The final verb of this challenge is Zoner. This post does not have a lot to offer. I could only add pronunciation link, meaning and common phrases section. I have divided the post into these main sections:
  • Pronunciation Link
  • Meaning of this Verb
  • Common Phrases
So, let's have some fun while learning the usage of the verb of the day.

Pronunciation Link

Meaning of the Verb

The meaning of this verb is, again, very easy to guess, and I bet you thought to zone. Well, good for you. This is the right answer :) Bravo!

Common Phrases

The phrases with the noun zone are :

  1. zone de haute pression - high
  2. zone dépressionnaire - depression
With that, this wonderful challenge comes to an end. Thanks for the wonderful readers for keeping the spirits of the bloggers up and about. I have learned a lot, and I hope that I helped the readers learn a few tidbits of this amazing language, as well.

À bientôt!

Friday 29 April 2016

French Verb of Day.25 of Blogging #AtoZChallenge - Yodler!

Salut mes beaux amis!

The verb of the day is Yodler. This post does not have a lot to offer. I could only add pronunciation link, meaning and translation section. I have divided the post into these main sections:
  • Pronunciation Link
  • Meaning of this Verb
  • Verb Conjugations in Various Tenses and Moods
So, let's have some fun while learning the usage of the verb of the day.

Pronunciation Link

Meaning of the Verb

Yodler means to yodel. Not a very useful verb, but it was difficult finding a verb that begins with Y.

Conjugation of this verb in various tenses and moods

1. Indicatif – Generally, Indicatif is used to state facts.
    1. Présent – It is similar to Present tense of English. We use this form to express facts, conditions, habits, and routine.
The sample sentences, as per my knowledge, could be:

I write whenever I can.

You don't like drama.

We love reading books.

They have money, but they do not have a heart.

Je yodle

(Subject) yodel(s) or is/are/am yodeling
Tu yodles
Il yodle
Nous yodlons
Vous yodlez
Ils yodlent
    1. Passé Composé – It resonates with Present Perfect and Past forms of English language. This form is utilized to a talk about the actions that were completed in the past, and we wish to draw the attention towards its results.
I went to get a manicure in the morning.

He did not go to the office today.

I did not have the courage at that moment.

J’ai yodlé (Subject) yodeled(once), I have yodeled
Tu as yodlé
Il a yodlé
Nous avons yodlé
Vous avez yodlé
Ils ont yodlé
    1. Imparfait – Imparfait form is used to write about description, habit, and actions that occurred simultaneously in the past.
It was a beautiful day.

He was having a rough day.

I used to ride a bicycle in the rain.

Je yodlais (Subject) was yodeling/ used to yodel
Tu yodlais
Il yodlait
Nous yodlions
Vous yodliez
Ils yodlaient
    1. Plus-que-parfait – This is the French version of “Past perfect” of English language. If you are narrating an incident that occurred in the past, and I you wish to include a detail that happened even before the time of that incident, you use plus-que-parfait form.
I had studied a lot before I could get a job.

He had practiced his speech in front of the mirror before he went in front of a huge audience.

J’avais yodlé (Subject) had yodeled
Tu avais yodlé
Il avait yodlé
Nous avions yodlé
Vous aviez yodlé
Ils avaient yodlé
    1. Passé simple – Similar to Passé Composé, Passé simple is used to describe completed actions in the past and the actions that were interrupted in the past. Being same as Passé Composé, its examples are similar to Passé Composé.
Last year, I went to Bali.

While I was in Bali, I admired nature for hours.

Je yodlai (Subject) yodeled
Tu yodlas
Il yodla
Nous yodlâmes
Vous yodlâtes
Ils yodlèrent
    1. Passé antérieur – This is same as Past Perfect of English language. This form is mostly used in literature.
As soon as I was in the library, I decided to issue the book “Pride and Prejudice.”

After my grandfather had worked for sixty years, he started gardening.

J’eus yodlé (Subject) had yodeled
Tu eus yodlé
Il eut yodlé
Nous eûmes yodlé
Vous eûtes yodlé
Ils eurent yodlé
    1. Futur – Futur is same as Future tense of English language. This form comes into picture when we are either expressing an intended action in the future or making an assumption in both present and future. Also, it may be used to make a polite request.
Tomorrow, I will write a song.

You will never write a song.

Would Irine help me with the song?

If you ask her, you will know.

Je yodlerai (Subject) will yodel
Tu yodleras
Il yodlera
Nous yodlerons
Vous yodlerez
Ils yodleront
    1. Futur antérieur – Remember future perfect tense? Futur antérieur is its brother :) When you are imagining or considering something to happen in the future or something that might have happened in the past, you use this form.
He'll probably have had three boxes of cereal or he had drank three cartons of milk. (I know it's a stupid sentence, but I couldn't think of something else.)

By the time we'll reach, they will have hidden the evidence. (Crime investigation drama kicking in!)

J’aurai yodlé (Subject) will have yodeled/ will had yodeled
Tu auras yodlé
Il aura yodlé
Nous aurons yodlé
Vous aurez yodlé
Ils auront yodlé
    1. Future proche – Future Proche form is used to describe an event or action that is either definite to occur in a short while or planned to happen in the future.
I am going to get a laptop in two minutes. (I'm not :( )

My sister is getting ready in a minute.

Je vais yodler (Subject) is/are/am yodeling/about to yodel
Tu vas yodler
Il va yodler
Nous allons yodler
Vous allez yodler
Ils vont yodler

    1. Conditionnel – 
        1. This mood is used to express statements of possibility and condition.
                  1. Présent – If we wish to express a possibility about present or future from a past point of view, then this would be my choice of sentence form.
              I would like to be an author, someday.
              Drashti thought that she might go on a vacation to Paris.
              If she went to Paris, she could become a model.
              Arun, could you stop teasing me?
              Je yodlerais (Subject) would yodel
              Tu yodeledrais
              Il yodlerait
              Nous yodlerions
              Vous yodleriez
              Ils yodleraient
            1. Passé – Imagine that you are telling about an incident that happened in the past, where you expressed a possibility, then this is the form you need to be using. Of course, it is confusing, but don't worry. Hopefully, sample sentences will help in making it understandable.
              If I had gone with you, I would have scolded him.
              My grandfather would have sorted our problems if we had asked him.
              *Tip – Use Conditionnel Passé in that part of the sentence that indicates a result of the action.
              J’aurais yodlé (Subject) would had yodeled/ would have yodeled
              Tu aurais yodlé
              Il aurait yodlé
              Nous aurions yodlé
              Vous auriez yodlé
              Ils auraient yodlé
                1. Passé - forme alternative – This form is used in literary formats of writing. Not my cup of tea! The same thought can be expressed by using above form.
      J’eusse yodlé (Subject) would had yodeled/ would have yodeled
      Tu eusses yodlé
      Il eût yodlé
      Nous eussions yodlé
      Vous eussiez yodlé
      Ils eussent yodlé
    1. Subjonctif – 
        1. This mood of expressions focuses on various emotions, such as doubt, a fear, subjectivity, hope.
              1. Présent – If the main part of the sentence is in present form, then the part after que, expressing emotions, will be in subjonctif présent form. Confused? Well, hopefully, sample sentences will clear the air.
          It is important to me that my family eats dinner together.
          I am happy that my readers like my blog.
          que je yodle that (Subject) yodel(s) or is/are/am yodeling
          que tu yodles
          qu’il yodle
          que nous yodlions
          que vous yodliez
          qu’ils yodlent
            1. Imparfait –If the main part of the sentence is in past form, then the part after que, expressing emotions, will be in subjonctif imparfait form. However, this form is used in literary docs. For ordinary usage, subjonctif passé is our guy.
              que je yodlasse that (Subject) yodel(s) or that (Subject) was/were yodeling
              que tu yodlasses
              qu’il yodlât
              que nous yodlassions
              que vous yodlassiez
              qu’ils yodlassent
            2. Plus-que-parfait – Again, this form is also used in literary documents.
              que j’ eusse yodlé (Subject) would yodel/ yodel
              que tu eusses yodlé
              qu’il eût yodlé
              que nous eussions yodlé
              que vous eussiez yodlé
              qu’ils eussent yodlé
            3. Passé – If main part of the sentence is in past form, then the part after que, expressing emotions, will be in subjonctif passé form. Other than this, if we are expressing emotions about somebody's past, then too, we use this form.
          I had wished that he would succeed in his hunt for a decent job.

          He is afraid that he received love from everybody only for his money.
      que j’aie yodlé that (Subject) yodel(s) or that (Subject) was yodeling
      que tu aies yodlé
      qu’il ait yodlé
      que nous ayons yodlé
      que vous ayez yodlé
      qu’ils aient yodlé
    1. Impératif – 
        1. This mood is utilized to give orders.
          1. Présent – There is nothing to explain here. This form is utilized in giving orders.
      Take me to the mall!

      Drive me to the airport!

      Sit with me!

      Don't talk to me!

      yodle yodel!
      yodlons Let's yodel!
      yodlez yodel!

Thursday 28 April 2016

French Verb of Day.24 of Blogging #AtoZChallenge - X!

As I could not find any verb starting with X, I am dedicating this post to write about a french word that begins with X. The word of the day is : xénophobie. The definition of this verb, according to Collins Dictionary, is:

La xénophobie est une « hostilité à ce qui est étranger », plus précisément à l'égard d'un groupe de personnes ou d'un individu considéré comme étranger à son propre groupe (endogroupe).
If you translate this definition, you would know that this word is same as English word, Xenophobia. In the simplest words, Xenophobia is the prejudice against people of another countries. We have witnessed many disturbing news of violence driven by xenophobia everywhere; makes me wonder, who died and made us an authority of claiming our right to a country! The world is created for humans to explore, then who decides which part we should -- or shouldn't -- explore. Anyways, this was the word of the day. I hope we would try not to let La xénophobie hurt another person.

Sharing the lyrics  of a song No More that is written against xenophobia. I hope everyone is touched by its lyrics.

[Intro: JSomething]
Stuck, take a look at ourselves
We were created, created to be something great
Not hating, brothers and sisters join hands celebrating,
What we have in common as humans

[Chorus: Thabsie]
I wish for a better world
Where people are smiling everywhere
Where there’s no more pain and suffering
Children happy as can be,
No more wars, just peace and loving (x2)
Loving, yeeeah

[Verse 1: Reason]
My name is Asim from foreign lands,
I’m a Somalian to be specific if I can,
I left the dreaded land of oppression and I ran,
I was looking for a heaven but in hell is where I am,
I don’t understand when we got to be this bad,
They be tearing up my store after shooting me in my head,
All in the name of bread but now my vision is dead,
I just wanna go back home instead

[Verse 2: ProVerb]
It’s bloodshed cause sons and daughters of Africa are slaughtered and massacred,
I can’t just sit back like I was sort of a passenger
And who the hell are you calling a foreigner after all
Forget the statues, it’s the borders that have to fall
My name is Abdul, brother what have I done to you
My country is at war when I thought that I could run to you,
History said that I’ve spread nothing but love to you,
Not a tyre around your neck or put a gun to you

[Chorus: Thabsie]
I wish for a better world
Where people are smiling everywhere
Where there’s no more pain and suffering
Children happy as can be,
No more wars, just peace and loving (x2)
Loving, yeeeah

[Verse 3: Chad Saaiman]
We call it freedom, but we’re still locked within the chains
Of each others weakness
Oh I pray for better days, where we treat our equals
Even if from foreign lands,
How can there be evil, without no end circumstance

[Verse 4: Nadia Nakai]
Great depression from oppression,
I’m Tendai, taken like a possession,
My brother’s coming, they’re attacking,
Displaced aggression, misinformation is what’s messing with our progression
Uh, let’s create a new Africa
For our brothers and sisters that’s coming after ya,
Uh, and no I’m not an exception,
Clear the dust from the mirror
And look at your own reflection

[Verse 5: Shugasmakx]
Bese tshela mina wena ubonani
Is’lwane esi nga shis’indlu iphethe umama no mntwana,
Kanjani broer wam, kumele ngikhale kuban’
Ma kunzima, kumele ubuze siso phanda si sum
iMkhonto ehlatini, ang’zange ngiyi bone ka so,
Back in Tanzania they were welcomed like door-to-door,
They call me Issa, I’m your brother for sure
Show me the same love you would a European at your door

[Chorus: Thabsie]
I wish for a better world
Where people are smiling everywhere
Where there’s no more pain and suffering
Children happy as can be,
No more wars, just peace and loving (x2)
Loving, yeeeah

[Verse 6: Brickz]
Ngithi woah!
Kanti kwenzenjani nga bantsundu,
Ngithi nyoso!
Lento e si iyenzani ku bafethwu ene ku wrongo,
Biza abantu amagweregwere
Belesela nge ferefere
Kumele siphile sonke
Ngithi no!
Phakamisa isandla emoyeni
Sicele ukuMdala ukuthi a yehle uk’sulaka,
Ngoba ikasi iwozo
Siphila nabo ndlavini, abo guluva abo qholova
Ngicela nathi si yehlise uk’sulaka maan,

[Verse 7: Twyza]
You got to take a different approach on this verse,
I know that it hurts,
Intervention is needed so that hope will emerge to build a future,
But we’re moulding a curse
We really need to be moving forward as a people,
Mara nou re reverse,
Dig deep in our hearts, not a hole for a hearse
God’s people is ours, stop promoting the worst,
What would you do if you were segregated
Alienated, degraded, assassinated, hated and uncompensated

[Speech: Psyfo]
So after everything that you have seen in the papers and social networks,
How are you just fine with just living your life, you know?
As musicians and as artists this is our little contribution

[Speech: DJ Speedsta]
Art is what we do, this is how we portray our message. Use your platform to make a difference. My name is DJ Speedsta and I hope you got that

[Chorus: Thabsie]
I wish for a better world
Where people are smiling everywhere
Where there’s no more pain and suffering
Children happy as can be,
No more wars, just peace and loving (x2)
Loving, yeeeah

[Verse 8: Kwesta]
My brother Asim went to the same school as me,
We used to sit around and talk about how great Abdullah is,
His sister Tendai loved jewellery
Abdul leaving, the two of them needed tutoring,
And Issa came through for them
It was cool man around that year
But it all ended with that Goodyear around our necks,
Cause we were different but the same, a family bra

So please pray for our mother, Africa

Click here to watch the video of the song:

Wednesday 27 April 2016

French Verb of Day.23 of Blogging #AtoZChallenge - Warranter!

Salut mes beaux amis!

The verb of the day is Warranter. This post does not have a lot to offer. I could only add pronunciation link, meaning and translation section. I have divided the post into these main sections:
  • Pronunciation Link
  • Meaning of this Verb
  • Let's write a little French with a verb - A Recap of the verb boire
So, let's have some fun while learning the usage of the verb of the day.

Pronunciation Link

Meaning of the Verb

Meaning of this verb is, again, very easy to guess, and I bet you thought to warrant. Well, good for you. This is the right answer :) Bravo!

Let's Write a little French with a verb - A Recap of the verb boire



I do not drink enough water.

Je ne bois pas assez d'eau.

Passé Composé 

I drank only three glasses water yesterday.

J'ai bu seulement trois verres d'eau, hier.


I used to drink about 8 glasses water when I was in school.

Je buvais approximativement huit verres d'eau quand j'étais à l’école.


I had dunk very little before I fell sick.

J'avais bu très peu avant je tombais malade.


I will drink a lot of water from tomorrow.

Je boirai beaucoup d'eau à partir de demain.

Futur antérieur

By the time I'll be 40,  I will have probably made drinking a habit.

Au moment où je serai quarante ans, j'aurai probablement fait boire une habitude.

Future proche

I am going to drink 3 glasses of water in a minute.

Je vais boire trois verres d'eau dans une minute.



My mom thought that I might never drink the required quantity.

Ma mère a pensé que je ne boirais jamais la quantité nécessaire.


If I had not discontinued taking care of my health after school, I would have drunk sufficient water even today. (Not sure, if its structure is correct. If any native English speaker has an example of conditional past tense, please suggest.)

Si je n'avais pas cessé de prendre soin de ma santé après l'école, j'aurais bu suffisamment d'eau, même aujourd'hui.



It is important to me that I drink sufficient quantity of water.

Il est important pour moi que je boive une quantité suffisante d'eau.


I wish that I had drunk water instead of beer.

Je souhaite que j'aie bu de l'eau au lieu de la bière.



Anku, calm yourself and drink water!

Anku, calmes-toi et bois de l'eau!